In Heaven ??
As previously reported, I was at the Hemel brewery this week. How do they taste? In this blog I will describe two beers that can be found in our two packages that will be online in our webshop next week; Eeuwige jeugd is
As previously reported, I was at the Hemel brewery this week. How do they taste? In this blog I describe two beers that can be found in our two packages that will be online in our webshop next week;
Eternal Youth is a blond beer with 6.5% alcohol.
A very light caramel flavour and clear soft hop notes. A beer to drink through. No fuss, no fuss, just plain and tasty .
Hopverdorie is a 7% Single Hop IPA.
A beer with a hoppy character, brewed with only one "house hop" Mosaic. For me a successful IPA for beginners, fresh fruity and not too bitter.
My first impression of the Hemel brewery is a good one. No fuss, just good, (h)onest beers, easy to drink, no nonsense and tasty. A traditional brewer who knows what he wants.
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